Custom Interior Wall Finishes

At Sterling Interiors we take pride in our finishes. As the only Approved American Clay Applicator in Alberta, we are pleased to include their products in our lineup of services. Finishes and textures are available in over 40 colours.

American Clay Natural Earth Plasters bring the appealing finishes of nature to your home, office, school or business — anywhere you want to add healthful beauty to your interior walls and ceilings. American Clay uses natural clays, recycled and reclaimed aggregates, and vibrant natural pigments in each of the three finishes: loma, porcelina and marittimo. Plasters are non-dusting, mold and fade resistant, repairable and moisture controlling.

More detailed information at

With completed projects in Alberta, ask us where you can see this attractive, warm, eco-friendly product in use! The images below are from Breathe Hot Yoga — Calgary, Alberta.

If you have questions about this amazing finish or would like to arrange a FREE quote, contact us at 403-993-4997.